Description. Strips of the sizes 20х8×1.5 mm, of the weight 0.15+0.05 g, of white or close to white colour (TS 9391-003-77330104-2011). The product is a composition of organic and inorganic components of osseous tissues (HA + TCP + collagen). It is defined as human tissues biocompatible and does not cause any rejection reaction.
Properties. KOLAPOL KP-2 intensifies osteogenesis (bone formation) and restores periodontal tissues. It belongs to low toxic substances and does not cause the delayed adverse effects (inflammatory and allergic reactions), has no mutagenic and immunomodulatory effects.
Indications for use. The material is used in surgical treatment of periodontal disease (flap surgery) of moderate and severe stages by implanting KOLAPOL KP-2 in bone pocket. As a rule, surgical treatment of periodontal disease is combined with the prosthetic one.
Manufactured forms
KOLAPOL KP-2 10 fragments 20х8х1.5mm |
KOLAPOL KP-2 №4 4 fragments 20х8х1.5mm |