GAPKOL Description. Strips of the sizes 20х8x1 mm, of the weight...
INDOST-gel +
Description. A fine gel of white or...
Description.A fine gel of white or almost white...
INDOST granules
Description. INDOST granules of round or irregular...
Trapex-gel Description and main properties. The paste (gel) of white or...
KOLAPOL KP-2 Description. Strips of the sizes 20х8x1.5 mm, of the...
HAP-99g – granules
Description. Round or irregular shaped granules...
The initial stages of the application of «Trapeks-gel» on delayed treatment of destructive forms of periodontitis
E.V.Volodina, Department of Faculty Therapeutical Stomatology MSUMD
Treatment of patients with chronic periodontitis is a complex and important task in modern dentistry. Frequency of periodontal disease at children and adults is not currently have a tendency to decrease. On average, one person has three endodontic teeth [5].
The causes of periodontitis are different, but infectious agents have the major role: traumatic and chemical effects on periodontal [2, 4). The completed root canal treatment is often mistaken for success, while even at technically perfect root canal, a pathological lesion in periapikal tissues persists for a long time, creating a risk of recurrence and complications [1,3].
The inflammation in destructive forms of periodontal disease contributes to the constant antigenic stimulation, which is largely determined by the conservation of detritus in the hearth of the damaged tissue formed in the alteration phase of the inflammatory process. All long flowing inflammatory processes contribute to the overall reduction of immunological reactivity and nonspecific resistance of the body, which increases the risk of inflammatory complications [6, 7).
The 2nd visit, reducing the degradation of bone tissue, 28 days after temporary sealing by «Trapeks»
Description and main properties. The paste (gel) of white or slightly yellowish colour, is a composition of HYDROXYAPOL (hydroxyapatite, tribasic calcium phosphate), barium sulfate and anti-inflammatory preparations with organic ingredients (ТS 9391-008-77330104-2009).
The main components of TrApex-gel are:
Clinical effect of the material is determined by the combined effect of these components. Dexamethasone: a) suppresses the abnormal proliferation of granulation tissue in the hearth of destruction, b) promotes resorption of the surrounding bone tissue pathological focus with the release of her local growth factors, and c) promotes the differentiation of fibroblast-like cells (FLC) in the granulation tissue in the hearth osteogenic direction. HA and TCP fix vacated growth factors and provide attraction of undifferentiated in the center, their proliferation and osteogenic differentiation. The composition inhibits the formation of free radicals, suppressing by this the effects of oxidative stress in the hearth.
This pharmacodynamic eventually inhibits destructive inflammatory processes and stimulates osteogenesis
Description.A fine gel of white or almost white colour packed in disposable syringes with a capacity of 1 ml (ТS 9391-008-77330104-2009).
Properties. The product is a composition of an inorganic hydroxyapatite and other organic materials. It features the human tissues biocompatibility and does not cause the rejection reaction. It belongs to low toxic substances and does not cause the delayed adverse effects.
Contains composition of the growth factors.
Indications for use. It is indicated for use in patients with reduced regenerative function. The material is used in the recovery of small bone defects of various origins in the maxillofacial region through their completion, with the combined use of various osteoplastic materials, as well as the surgical and therapeutic treatment of periodontitis of moderate and moderately severe. It can be combined with other osteoplastic materials.
INDOST 2 plates
Description. Strips of the sizes 20x8x1,8+0,5 mm, of the weight 0.15+0.05 g, of white or close to white colour (TS 9391-005-77330104-2006).
Properties. The product is a composition of organic and inorganic components of osseous tissues. Contains composition of the growth factors. It is defined as human tissues biocompatible and does not cause any rejection reaction. INDOST 2 plates intensify osteogenesis (bone formation) and restores periodontal tissues. It belongs to low toxic substances and does not cause the delayed adverse effects (inflammatory and allergic reactions), has no mutagenic and immunomodulatory effects.
Indications for use. The material is used in surgical treatment of periodontal disease of moderate and severe stages by implanting INDOST 2 plates in bone pocket. As a rule, surgical treatment of periodontal disease is combined with the prosthetic one.
INDOST plates
Description. Strips of the sizes 20х8×1.2±0,5 mm, of the weight 0.15+0.05 g, of white or close to white colour (TS 9391-005-77330104-2006). The product is a composition of organic and inorganic components of osseous tissues and collagen. Contains composition of the growth factors.
Properties. The material is defined as human tissues biocompatible and does not cause any rejection reaction. It intensifies osteogenesis (bone formation) and stimulates a wound-healing process in soft and osseous tissues. It belongs to low toxic substances and does not cause the delayed adverse effects (inflammatory and allergic reactions), has no mutagenic and immunomodulatory effects, does not influence pregnancy course and child delivery.
Indications for use. The material is used in therapy and surgical treatment of parodontosis of an average and average-serious degree by implanting INDOST plates in osseous pocket, and also at various diseases in maxillofacial area.
Description. Bylayer plates of the sizes 30×25х0.2 mm, of the weight approximately 0.20 g or different forms of the same thickness (ТS 9391-009-77330104-2010). Contains an active surface (of white colour with rough surface). It consists of modified collagen and sprayed HYDROXYAPOL (powder). Manufacturing of other sizes and forms is possible.
Properties. By preventing the migration of epithelial tissue in the bone wound PARODONCOL intensifies the bone formation (osteogenesis) and stimulates a wound-healing in osseous and periodontal tissues It is completely resorbable.
Indications for use. The material is used in surgical treatment of periodontal disease and parodontosis of moderate and severe stages and also in cases of different bone grafting operations in maxillofacial region: cystectomy, sinus-lift, root recession.
Description. Strips of the sizes 20х8×1.5 mm, of the weight 0.15+0.05 g, of white or close to white colour (TS 9391-003-77330104-2011). The product is a composition of organic and inorganic components of osseous tissues (HA + TCP + collagen). It is defined as human tissues biocompatible and does not cause any rejection reaction.
Properties. KOLAPOL KP-2 intensifies osteogenesis (bone formation) and restores periodontal tissues. It belongs to low toxic substances and does not cause the delayed adverse effects (inflammatory and allergic reactions), has no mutagenic and immunomodulatory effects.
Indications for use. The material is used in surgical treatment of periodontal disease (flap surgery) of moderate and severe stages by implanting KOLAPOL KP-2 in bone pocket. As a rule, surgical treatment of periodontal disease is combined with the prosthetic one.
Manufactured forms
KOLAPOL KP-2 10 fragments 20х8х1.5mm |
KOLAPOL KP-2 №4 4 fragments 20х8х1.5mm |
Description. Strips of the sizes 20х8×1 mm, of the weight 0.15+0.05 g, of white or close to white colour (TS 9391-003-77330104-2011).
Properties. The product is a composition of organic and inorganic components of hard tissues matrix (HA + TCP + collagen). It is defined as human tissues biocompatible and does not cause any rejection reaction. GAPCOL intensifies the bone formation and stimulates a wound-healing process in soft and osseous tissues.
It belongs to non-toxic substances and does not cause the delayed adverse effects (inflammatory and allergic reactions), has no mutagenic and immunomodulatory effects, does not influence pregnancy course and child delivery.
Indications for use. The material is used in therapy and surgical treatment of periodontal disease and parodontosis of moderate and severe stages by implanting GAPCOL in bone pocket, and also in cases of various diseases in maxillofacial region.
INDOST granules
Description. INDOST granules of round or irregular shaped form of white or close to white colour (ТS 9391-006-77330104-2006). Composition – 30-50% of hydroxyapatite and 50-70% of tricalcium phosphate + composition of noncollagen proteins of the bone tissue.
The material is produced in granular form of the sizes 0,25, 0,5, 1,0 и 2 mm. The product is available in 0,5g and 1 g sterile packing.
Properties. INDOST (granules) is basis of inorganic hard tissues matrix. It has better human tissues biocompatibility and does not cause rejection reaction. It has osteoinductive effect. It intensifies osteogenesis. After the bone cavity filling the material resorbs being substituted by osseous tissue.
Indications for use. The material is recommended for filling of small bone defects of different etiology after surgical treatment in cases of cystectomy, resection and extraction of teeth, for prevention of alveolar process atrophy, etc.
Instructions for use INDOST granules
INDOST sponge
Description. Fragments (patches) of the sizes 20x8x7+1,5 mm, of the weight 0.15±0,05 g, of white or close to white colour with specific odour (ТS 9391-005-77330104-2006). It may be manufactured in the form of plates and strips of different sizes and thickness on consumers’ demand.
Properties. The product is a composition of organic and inorganic components of hard tissues matrix.. It is defined as human tissues biocompatible and does not cause any rejection reaction. INDOST sponges inforces ostegenesis and stimulates healing of wounds in osseous tissues.
It belongs to non-toxic substances and does not cause the delayed adverse effects (inflammatory and allergic reactions), has no mutagenic and immunomodulatory effects, does not influence pregnancy course and child delivery.
Indications for use. The material is used in surgical, orthopedic and dental practice for infill of bone cavities emerged after resection of cysts and pseudotumors, sequestrectomy, in earlier operated patients with chronic osteomyelitis (including those with complicated pathological fracture). When treating cavities of big size (> 5 cm3) it can be used together with HYDROXYAPOL (in powder or granular form) or INDOST granules.
Manufactured forms
INDOST sponge 10 fragments 20х8х8 mm |
INDOST sponge № 4 4 fragments 10х8х8 mm |